Organized 2018

Hello readers! Thank you for your patience over the last few months with the silence. Towards the end of my Six Week Eat to Live Journey we found out we are expecting! There are still days that we find this hard to believe! The first trimester brought with it sheer exhaustion, plus the adjustment to having a puppy. Only when December came did I start to begin to feel more human, right in time for Christmas! Now that the Christmas celebrations have ended we're in full planning mode for a fun and busy 2018! Supplies are purchased & ready for assembly! One of the ways we're getting ourselves organized is our Home Binder! The binder includes categories like: Budget Menu's Recipes to Try Coupon's Christmas 2018 Planning 2017 Budget & Actual Spend 2018 Budget 2018 Gift Ideas Important Information Birthday's Password Cheat Sheet Contact Information I love the outside of our binder! Not including the ink for the printable pages i...