Shopping the Flyers
It's hard to believe that today is the last day of November! I can't believe how fast this month has flown by! My final challenge of the month was to shop the flyers more. My new career provides me with an amazing team to work with, fantastic flexibility, and amazing benefits, but the paycheque is lacking. I knew when I accepted this position I would have to make some sacrifices. One of the biggest sacrifices I have made in the last month is not being as "free" with my grocery money. My parents did an amazing job raising us three girls, and one of the biggest lessons I learned from my mother was how to budget our money appropriately. Especially when it came to grocery shopping. I love looking for a good deal, and couponing! At one point I had a whole binder dedicated to coupons, now that I'm eating real food and making a lot of my cleaning supplies this isn't really needed but I still have to save money somehow! A lot of my diet consists of beans, veggie...