Kitchen Organization

It's hard to believe that we are only eight days away from November being over! This month has honestly flown by. There have been a lot of adjustments happening as an after effect of last months changes, but I still wanted to make sure I accomplished my goals!

I have a beautiful kitchen. It was designed and built by my father to fit the space perfectly. Upon walking into the kitchen I feel a great sense of happiness and peace, this is probably one room of my apartment I'll miss most once I'm married. I love spending time in my kitchen, and honestly it's probably where I have the most "stuff". I cleaned out two boxes worth of stuff this weekend by following the below tips.

1) Separate- I separated everything into what I use on a daily, monthly, or occasional basis. I specifically focused on decluttering what I only use on an occasional basis. I asked myself how often I used an item, whether something else I had would fit that purpose, and if someone else(ie a sister) could get more use out of it. Those three questions helped me get rid of some things that I honestly can't remember the last time I used!

2) Lifestyle- I am a huge baker, it's one of the ways I have been able to completely relax. The average baking doesn't really fit into my current lifestyle. As I went through the cupboards I looked at whether I used an item for baking when I was eating refined sugar or if I used it with my current lifestyle. If it was something I would use on special occasions I kept it, but if I only used it when baking with a lot of sugar it went to the donation box.

3) Countertop- One of the goals was to get my countertops clear. As I was decluttering the items on the countertop I asked myself if I really used it enough to justify having it out in the open, and if I would miss it? This enabled me to get rid of my microwave! I'm hardly home to eat/reheat, and Mr has a beautiful microwave so I wouldn't be bringing mine with me so it was time to say buh-bye!

There are many tips on kitchen organization, these are the three I found worked best for me! Happy Organizing!


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