My Eat to Live Experience

I am done! As of yesterday I am finished my initial six week Eat to Live Journey. More than once over the course of the last six weeks people would say that I was young, so I didn’t need to worry about my weight or habits yet. I am not your typical twenty something year old. I have health issues that left me in the hospital every second Friday this past summer, I knew that there was more to life then that. I knew that only I could control my weight and eating habits which in turn affect my overall health. My health is why I started this journey, and my health has seen improvements to make this journey all worth it. Over the course of the last six weeks I have learned three incredibly important lessons, ones that I am sure to carry with me throughout the rest of my life.

I learned that I can live without added/refined sugar. Previous to my Eat to Live experience I was drinking between two and six litres of pop every week, I couldn’t drive by a store without picking up a bag of chips or a chocolate bar, and even bigger than that I felt as if giving up sugar would be the end of the world! I was a food addict. I have not had a drink of pop, a chip, a chocolate bar, cupcake, or anything resembling that in six weeks! This is huge! I am not perfect, and I don’t expect to be perfect so I know that at some point I will probably have a chip, or a cupcake, or whatever that is filled with sugar. The key is that it’s a treat, and you don’t get treats every day or even every week for that matter.
Clean eating tastes amazing! I have tried to do the Eat to Live Six Week journey in the past but I have never been this successful. I believe that a huge part of the reason I was not successful until this time is that I did not know how to cook variety. My significant other is an amazing cook, he has the ability to make a boring old salad taste much better! He has been incredibly willing to be the primary cook which I believe has played a huge part in my success. He is also an amazing support. Upcoming career changes mean that I will be taking over a lot of the cooking, but I hope that I have learned from what he does. Do not be afraid to use spices and experiment!

The most significant thing I have learned in the last six weeks is that everything we do is a habit. Do you check your phone every morning? Do you have a cup of coffee or tea everyday? What about say goodmorning to the same people? It’s all a habit! I have changed my thought process, I have changed my taste buds, and I have changed how I look at food. One evening last week Mr had a headache, I had accepted the job I was holding out for, and neither of us felt like cooking. Six weeks ago we would have piled in the car and headed to our favourite burger joint, instead we grabbed some subs(veggie for me). While it still wasn’t the healthiest choice it was much better than a burger! The changes in my thought process and what I think about food are what I will remember always.

Over the last six weeks I have lost a total of eighteen pounds, and approximately nine and three-quarter inches to ten inches. I am incredibly happy with these numbers!


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