Hello 2017!

It's hard to believe that the year 2016 is officially over and we are into the year 2017! 2016 was filled with job changes, home buying, family members passing away, and engagement. At the beginning of 2016 I did not imagine that any of those events would happen, but it goes to show you that sometimes our plans are not always the plans we are meant to follow. 2017 will bring with it many more adventures and I can't wait!

Many individuals have chosen words to carry them through the year 2017. Individual words for the year are a fantastic way to stay motivated! I've chosen the words health and gratitude to carry through this year.

I want to create a culture of health and gratitude in my life and my home. The word health for me means that I will make choices in my everyday life that bring the best quality of life to my body whether it be physically, mentally, or emotionally. The word gratitude for me is a way to remember to be thankful for the everyday occurrences, no matter how mundane they might be.

I challenge each of you to think of a word that you can carry with you through this year! Make mini challenges to help you with that word. For example, each night at supper Mr and I are saying something we're thankful for from our day. It's a way to remind us that no matter what's going on we have stuff to be thankful for.


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