Everyday Life with PCOS

One of the most annoying facts about PCOS is that it affects every woman differently. I was never one to share my journey with PCOS or even the fact that I had it. I felt incredibly alone in my journey with PCOS. I did not know any others around my age struggling with PCOS. This has changed recently, which in turn has helped me to be more open about my personal journey. Each of us will have our own individual journeys, but there are common parts of the journey for most of us.

Often times the affects of PCOS are within our bodies, making it hard for others to understand there is something different about our bodies. These affects don't always impact our day to day life, but at times have the ability to do just that. My greatest personal struggle is the additional weight and how that affects me physiologically. Until recently I struggled on a daily basis with my body image, I never felt like I was beautiful, and I didn't feel that I could be completely loved because of how I was feeling and how I looked.  I also struggled with horrible mood swings. I would go from the happy individual I am to a horrible miserable person in minutes.

I have incredible parental support which started the moment I was diagnosed, and continues to this day. I am incredibly thankful for their support, but I was still struggling and felt I always would be. Two things in my life drastically changed before I was able to not fight those struggles daily. The biggest and most influential in changing my struggles from daily to occasionally is having someone who loves me completely, he loves me for who I am on my good and bad days. Through his love I have come to realize that I don't need to change my body image or act differently to be loved, he loves me for who I am, including the PCOS. Changing my eating habits has caused such a difference in my life! Not only has this helped my body image through loosing weight, it's helped my moods stabilize, and most of all it's helped a number of health issues repair themselves without medication.

Living life everyday with PCOS is different for every person affected by it, for me I was fortunate that my struggles could be improved through diet and the love of another. Each individual will have their own struggles, be bold and share them with someone you know, find that support! It's only through the love and support of others you will be able to overcome the struggles!


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