Favourite Recipes

Have you ever had the desire to spend hours in the kitchen creating a new recipe? I definitely have not! I'm not the type to experiment with cooking. I just don't feel comfortable enough in the kitchen. Thanks to many wonderful people for sharing the recipes they make I don't have to!

Transitioning from eating the way the world does to a more natural healthier way is difficult, especially when you're not creative in the kitchen. I contribute a lot of my success in changing my diet to my wonderful significant other who does most of the cooking. I have become braver with trying new recipes as I discover a love for flavour.

One of the most difficult parts about trying new recipes is knowing whether or not they will give you what you're looking for from that recipe. Below I've linked up to some of my favourite recipes that can be found being cooked/baked on a regular bases in our household! These are my go to recipes for lunches, gatherings, or just a treat.

Banana Oat Muffins: Perfect for a snack to pull out of the freezer, or that sweet treat in the evening!

Glowing Spiced Lentil Soup: Delicious way to make sure you get your legumes in everyday!

Mushroom Chilli: Mushrooms have so many health benefits! I've fallen in love with them!

Banana Oat Bars: These are my official go to when asked to bring a dessert somewhere!

No Bake Cookies: I find these a little too sweet for my liking, but they were a hit with others.

Banana Bread: Mr has a soft spot for banana bread, this definitely hits that spot without all the sugar!

Spinach Mushroom Lasagna: A huge treat in our house, but absolutely delicious!



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