Non-Scale Victories End of Week 3

Three weeks have flown by! It's hard to believe that on Monday I finished Week 3 of my Eat to Live postpartum journey. When I began this journey I didn't realize the number of events that we had going on through the first six weeks(when I'm strictest) of my journey. There have definitely been difficulties in regards to ensuring I stick within the six week guidelines, but I've managed to do it with only a few pieces of meat thrown in!

I promised myself that for the first six weeks I would focus more on the non scale victories then the numbers on the scale. In the last three weeks I've noticed and celebrated the fact that:
  • I can wear my engagement ring again! 
  • I've been able to pull some more clothes out of storage & they have been fitting better! 
  • I'm crying significantly less!
  • My moods have improved greatly!
  • I have a lot more energy!
I feel pretty awesome that in just three weeks I've been able to accomplish these non scale victories! In addition to the non-scale victories I've also managed to lose 9.2lbs and 5.25"! Here's hoping the remaining three weeks can go just as well! 


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