A Spring Salad

Spring has sprung on the East Coast! We were greeted with spring like weather when we returned from Orlando last week. One of the many bonuses of working with your significant other is tagging along on their business trips, especially to such a wonderful place!

After a week of eating whatever resembled some sort of healthy on various restaurant menus I am glad to be home and have control over what I'm fuelling my body with again. Our big wedding day is quickly approaching. I want to make sure I'm feeling my best leading up to that! 

I struggle with eating salads. At one point I was known to highly dislike salads, almost to the point of refusing to eat them. I've gotten better, but I still have a long way to go! The recipe below is one of my absolute favourites. I get my daily requirements of beans, while adding some delicious spring/summer flavours to the salad! A huge shout out to a friend of mine for sharing this recipe with me. 

Chick Pea Salad 
  • 1 Can of Chick Peas (Rinsed)
  • 1 Can of Corn (Rinsed)
  • 1 Bell Pepper (I prefer red because it's sweeter)
  • 1 Cucumber
  • 1/2 Carrot
  • Red Onion (To your liking)
  • Small Container of Crumbled Feta (I love the Garlic & Herb Goats Milk one!)
  • 1 Small Box of Cherry Tomatoes
Chop everything to your liking and put in a big bowl. In a small bowl mix 1/4 cup balsamic vinegar and 1/8 cup olive oil. Pour oil over salad mixture and toss. 

I can have this salad made up within 15 minutes, and it makes enough for my lunches all week. You won't be disappointed if you give it a try!


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