Getting through December

Friends, have you ever been in a social situation where you're constantly offered food and saying no feels awkward? I think we all have! Especially when celebrations are taking place.

The Christmas season is quickly approaching with many parties, and social gatherings. Not to mention a lot of food! This time can be extremely difficult for those who are on a restricted diet or trying to keep up with eating a healthier diet.

The Eat to Live lifestyle isn't one that many people know about so it can be incredibly difficult to follow the eating style at social events. After completing the six week strict diet you move into the lifestyle plan. The lifestyle is very similar to the stricter diet but with some more flexibility. I tried to treat the lifestyle plan like the stricter diet but allowed there to be some flexibility on the weekends, this was working fine until recently. As the Christmas season started to approach we began to get very busy, and I started getting lazy with my food preparations. Not to mention my place of work often has a lot of sweets which are my weakness. Over the last couple of weeks I've had a sweet or something with added sugar a lot more often then I would like. This affects not only my overall weight, but my mental and emotional health.

It's extremely easy to fall back into the old lifestyle, but I like this new lifestyle better. The next four weeks are going to be extremely tough, but I do not want to see an increase on the scale or mood swings due to sugar. I feel much better as a person when the amount of sugar in my diet is very minimal. I know I'm not alone in trying to keep with a healthier lifestyle.

Please do not ever feel pressured or guilty to eat something that someone is offering you. It's awkward to explain why you can't eat it, but the simple explanation "unfortunately I'm not able to eat that type of food" should be enough to send them away with the platter. I feel awkward saying no, but remember that you're doing it for your own health. Over the next month as we head out to many social gatherings I will bring a fruit/veggie tray if we're asked to bring something, and I will remind myself out loud before the event that I am eating a certain way because of my health.

If you're hosting a gathering please consider those that are trying to eat a more natural lifestyle, do not pressure them into eating anything.


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