Healthy 2019: Week Two Meal Plans

How's everyone making out!? It's hard to believe that Week One is almost over! How are the sugar withdrawals? I haven't found the withdrawals to be too bad. There have definitely been some difficulties but overall I feel great despite fighting my first cold of the season.

I apologize about the delay for Week Two meal plans. You can thank my cold for that.  Don't forget to make sure you're having an ounce of unsalted seeds/nuts per day! Because I'm up so early with E, I generally do have a snack around 10am and that's when I have my seeds/nuts.

Week Two


  • Breakfast-Weekend Smoothie 
    • Add additional frozen fruit & some Avocado
  • Lunch- Leftover No Pasta Lasagna & Clementines
    • Found in the Eat to Live Cookbook
  • Supper-Butternut Squash Noodles, Homemade Spaghetti Sauce, & Fruit Salad

  • Breakfast-Smoothie
  • Lunch- Chick Pea Spread on whole wheat wrap with Pineapple, Melon, & Unsweetened Apple Sauce
  • Supper-Large Tossed Salad with 1C Black Bean/Chick Peas & Clementines 


  • Breakfast-Smoothie 
  • Lunch- Veggie Wrap with Melon & Berries
  • Supper-Large Tossed Salad with 1C Black Bean/Chick Peas & Clementines 


  • Breakfast-Smoothie
  • Lunch- Chick Pea Spread on whole wheat wrap with Pineapple, Melon, & Unsweetened Apple Sauce
  • Supper-Large Tossed Salad with 1C Black Bean/Chick Peas & Clementines 


  • Breakfast-Smoothie
  • Lunch- Chick Pea Spread on whole wheat wrap with Pineapple, Melon, & Unsweetened Apple Sauce
  • Supper-Large Tossed Salad with 1C Black Bean/Chick Peas & Clementines 

  • Breakfast-Smoothie
  • Lunch- Chick Pea Spread on whole wheat wrap with Pineapple, Melon, & Unsweetened Apple Sauce
  • Supper- Roasted Vegetable Pizza & Clementines 

Week three meal plan will be published Thursday night so stay tuned! 


  1. The headache is worst but it is starting to fade. Even with all the personal stress this week I am proud to say I didnt resort to chocolate or chips... my typical go to in boredom and stress

    1. I'm so glad to hear that! The headache is most definitely the worst at the beginning. Are you drinking half your body weight of water in ounces? I find if I miss any water then the headache is worse.

    2. Also, if you'd like some more headache tips & what to replace the chocolate chips with in boredom feel free to shoot me an e-mail and I'll send my tips your way!


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