The End of a Marathon

The last seven years have been spent running a marathon, figuratively not literally of course!

Seven years ago is when my life changed forever, it's when I was given answers as to why I was gaining weight at a rapid pace but couldn't lose it, why there was facial hair appearing in odd spots, and most importantly why my body just wasn't acting normal. I feel like since that day I've tried many different coping methods some better then others, yet none seemed to provide the results I was looking for.

After a summer filled with hospital visits for iron infusions, unsuccessful doctors appointments trying to figure out why I was loosing iron so fast, and my family doctor mentioning my weight multiple times it was time for a change. I began my journey of Eat to Live on September 6, 2016 with the intention of loosing thirty pounds. Reaching that goal would bring me to my lowest weight yet, and with it hopefully health benefits. These five and a half months have seen many positive outcomes including being taken off all medication, my iron naturally stabilizing itself, non scale victories, and a better understanding of how the food I put in my body affects me.

I set out on this marathon with the hopes of loosing thirty pounds, and after one hundred and sixty one days of hard work I have reached my goal! With a thirty pound lost I have also lost five and a half inches from my bust, eight and a quarter inches from my waist, and two and a quarter inches from my thighs. I am extremely thankful I have reached my goal, it's not one I could have done on my own so thank you to those that have been supporting me from day one!

Stay tuned for an updated goal in the coming days!


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