What I wish I had of Known

A couple of weeks ago I posted the below picture on social media. This photo documents the biggest milestone thus far being reached. I had successfully lost thirty-two pounds and nineteen inches. The journey to reaching this milestone was not easy, but I'm incredibly proud of myself for reaching it. There were days I wondered why I was doing what I was doing. It's all been worth it though. The outpouring of love when I shared this photo was incredible, so thank you!

September 19, 2016 vs. April 11, 2017

I wish before I started this journey that I had a better understanding of just how much it would change my life. My eating habits haven't been the only thing to change since starting this journey. There are multiple parts of life that I have noticed changing in the last seven months including my evening routine, weekend morning routines, and grocery shopping trips. One of the biggest aspects of my life to change has been socially. Before this journey it was a common occurrence to meet with a friend at a local coffee shop, get the sweetest beverage they had going, oh and don't forget about that delicious sweet treat I just had to have! Instead of arranging my social life around food I now look to be more creative. Whether we head out for a hike with friends, jump on our bikes with friends, or invite them into our home for games night we're slowly working on changing our social habits to reflect the lifestyle we're trying to live. The habit of meal planning and meal preparation has also changed significantly. If I'm going to stick to eating well I need to ensure that the proper food is in the house and prepared. One way I do this is by making my lunches on Sunday for the week(big salad, bean chilli, chick pea spread, etc) and ensuring that after supper I prepare the essential veggies for the following nights meal. 

If I had of known all these habits would change when I started this journey seven months ago I might have been more hesitant. It was hard enough to give up my eating habits as I had known them for this new way of eating. I couldn't have imagined everything else that would change as well. Thankfully all the changes were subtle at first. They are all extremely worth it! I love the new way we eat!


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