Summer Maintenance Goals

A few weeks into summer, and I've fallen off the bandwagon.

One of the reasons I originally changed my lifestyle was that during summer of 2016 I gained a substantial amount of weight. A quick stop at a fast food joint when it was nice out, an ice cream here, or a gallon of pop there quickly added up! I swore that Summer 2017 was going to be different. 

We're only a couple weeks into summer but it's already proving to be the same! I feel hope that I'm catching it early enough to ensure that the rest of summer doesn't follow suit. Unfortunately between getting married and the beginning of summer I've seen a weight increase. In hopes of combating this I have set four summer goals. 

Goal One: Get back down to and maintain a weight range within 150-153lbs.
Goal Two: Follow Eat to Live Monday-Friday and stay within boundaries on the weekends.
Goal Three: Bring healthy options to all social events.
Goal Four: Physical activity for at least 30 minutes four times per week. 

Let's make this summer one to remember, but not in the wrong ways! 


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