Eat to Live Postpartum

There are seasons for everything in life. Whether it's extra curricular activities we're involved in, projects we have on the go at home, or what's going on in our career. Our eating lifestyle should be a consistent but is often a season that comes and goes.

The goal when I first became pregnant was to continue our Eat to Live lifestyle. Unfortunately with pregnancy exhaustion and pain quickly setting in this was the first thing to be dropped. It began taking too much time and effort to not only think of meals but prepare them. We never did pick the pieces back up. The weight gain from pregnancy shows that I let myself fall off the bandwagon. Individuals would say that's okay because breastfeeding helps to burn so many calories. For a variety of reasons E isn't a breastfed baby, although heartbreaking at first I've come to find great peace in this.

Robin and I are gearing up to once again begin the Eat to Live Challenge. We will be making adjustments for the summer months with the end goal to get on board one hundred precent in September with the strict 6 Week Program.

What will these adjustments look like and what are our goals for the summer?

  • Goal: Stick to our meal plan.
  • Adjustment: Follow Eat to Live  Monday-Friday lunch time. 
  • Goal: Bring Eat to Live components into our weekend meal times.
  • Adjustment: Some of our weeknight meals will include a piece of BBQ'd meat. It will have sugar free BBQ sauce and seasonings on it.
  • Goal: Retrain our brains to make better decisions when there's a social gathering. 
We hope that you might consider joining us on this adventure! 


  1. I would love to join you Sam, I,have gained quite a bit of weight from too many cookies, ice cream and DQ blizzards. I,was really good for one week then fell right off and went running for a blizzard.
    Right now mine seems to be emotional but, something has to be done. My clothes are too tight and feel pretty darn uncomfortable! I haven bought any fruit, my appetite is zip! All I want right now are comfort foods!!! I have never had this problem before, not as bad anyway.

    I am going to try again Tuesday.

    Good luck to both of us...

    Thanks for letting me vent 😊


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