Healthy 2019: Week 6 Meal Plans
Well, here we are! It's hard to believe we're already into February! We took a last minute trip hence why there weren't any meal plans for Week Five. Unfortunately this trip did not result in whole food 100% of the time, but there was a lot of effort put into ensuring that at least 2 of the meals each day were filled with fruits and/or vegetables. Week Six Sunday: Breakfast-Weekend Smoothie Add additional frozen fruit & some Avocado Lunch- Poached Eggs with Fruit Salad Supper-Mushroom Stroganoff served over Roasted Sweet Potato Mushroom Stroganoff is found in the Eat to Live Cookbook Monday: Breakfast-Smoothie Lunch- Chick Pea Spread on whole wheat wrap with Pineapple, & Unsweetened Applesauce Supper-Vegetable Stir Fry with Bean Sprout Base + 1/2C Black Beans, with Fruit for Dessert Tuesday: Breakfast-Smoothie Lunch- Chick Pea Spread on whole wheat wrap with Pineapple, & Unsweetened Applesauce Supper...