Healthy 2019: Meal Plans Week One

Happy New Year! It's hard to believe that it's already January 1st! Where did the last year go!?

Originally we were supposed to be spending today with family but the weather had other ideas! Since it was a snowy morning we decided to clean out our cupboards, stock our fridge & pantry with Eat to Live essentials, and buckle down!

Over the course of the next four weeks I'll provide what our meal plans look like in hopes of giving you some ideas! I'm big on meal prepping which is what will help me stick to this plan. Hubby doesn't eat beans, so where I'm eating beans he'll be having his usual piece of meat. Don't forget to have your appropriate amount of water, and fruit/veggie servings!

Week One


  • Breakfast-Smoothie
  • Lunch- Nutritarian Tofu Scrambled Eggs with Pear & Pineapple Slices
  • Supper-1/2C Rice with 1C Black Beans, Pepper, Onion, Mushroom, Broccoli, Snap Peas & Carrots


  • Breakfast-Smoothie 
  • Lunch-Nutritarian Tofu Scrambled Eggs with Pear & Pineapple Slices
  • Supper-Large Tossed Salad with 1C Black Beans


  • Breakfast-Smoothie
  • Lunch- Nutritarian Tofu Scrambled Eggs with Pear & Pineapple Slices
  • Supper-Large Tossed Salad with 1C Black Beans


  • Breakfast-Smoothie
  • Lunch- Nutritarian Tofu Scrambled Eggs with Pear & Pineapple Slices
  • Supper-Large Tossed Salad with 1C Black Beans


  • Breakfast-Smoothie
  • Lunch- Nutritarian Tofu Scrambled Egg Burrito w/Pepper, Mushroom, Onion, & WW Wrap
  • Supper-Roasted Veggie Pizza
  • Tofu Scrambled Eggs:
  • Roasted Veggie Pizza:
Week two meal plan will be published Friday night so stay tuned! 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. What do you normally put in your breakfast smoothies?

    2. My response didn't publish last night, my apologies! My breakfast smoothies during the week are 1/2 Banana, 1 C Unsweetened Almond Milk, 1/2C Frozen Blueberries, 1 TBSP Ground Flax Seed, and 1 TBSP of Ground Chia Seed. If I have Avacado on hand I'll add 1 TBSP of that as well. On weekends I add a bit of Cocoa Powder or something like it to make it different!


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