Happy Thanksgiving!

Thanksgiving is one of my favourite times of year! It's an opportunity to reflect on the things we are blessed to have, and a time to gather with loved ones. I'm extremely thankful for a wonderful supportive hubby, amazing parents, equally amazing in laws, and such a wonderful group of family and friends. That's just a touch on everything I have to be thankful for this year!

Thanksgiving often comes with a family gathering or two which can make it difficult to stay on the healthy eating track! This is my second Eat to Live Thanksgiving, I am taking some of my experiences last year and turning them into positive learning experiences for this year.

1)Arrive Prepared: Make sure that you're prepared with beverages you can drink (flavoured water for me). Either make sure you are full enough that you won't partake in any snacking before the meal, or bring some snacks that fall within your guidelines.

2)Offer to Bring Dessert: Dessert is always my biggest weakness! I LOVE baked goods! Last year I made a tofu pumpkin pie, it was okay but not the greatest. This year I'm bringing a refined sugar free fruit pie, let's hope this one turns out better!

3)Healthy Choices: I don't know about you but I tend to over eat at every holiday meal, the food is just too delicious to say no! Do you want to pay for your choices for a couple days, maybe even a week or two? I know I sure don't! In hopes of preventing this I will be keeping a close eye on portion control, and ensuring that I pick the veggies/sides that have the least amount of items added to them.

I hope that you have a wonderful Thanksgiving with your families!


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