The End! The Results!

It's hard to believe that 6 weeks has come to a close! It's amazing how fast time flies. The last 6 weeks have had their ups and downs. They have been filled with both scale, and non scale victories.

Non-Scale Victories:

  1. There were times in the last 6 weeks that I fell off the wagon, but it became so much easier to get back on! I might have eaten out a few times, but I always made sure it was close to guidelines, and my next meal followed the guidelines. Before the Eat to Live Journey I would often fall off the wagon and it would last a couple days.
  2. I can walk out of a store without a dark chocolate bar/bag of chips. I had gotten to a point in my journey that I would convince myself that as long as I had a dark chocolate bar, or the "healthiest" chips I could find that I was okay to buy myself a treat. Every single time I went to the store. I haven't done that once in the last 6 weeks! 
  3. Towards the end of our Magdalene Island trip(right before my 6 week journey) I would only wear my jeans with certain loose shirts. I feel incredibly comfortable in my clothing again! I was able to pull out all my winter clothes last weekend and feel amazing wearing them! 
  4. My mental/emotional health is significantly more stable. I haven't doubted myself, been upset with my body image, or broken down in tears once since starting this journey. That alone is amazing to me! 
Scale Victories:
  1. Even with falling off the wagon a couple times I've managed to lose nine pounds. Which puts me right back to pre-wedding weight. That was my goal of the 6 weeks! 
  2. I've managed to lose three and a half inches. No wonder my clothes feel better! 
I'm taking a break from following the strict Eat to Live plan, but will 100% be incorporating the Eat to Live lifestyle into my daily life. My goal is to follow Eat to Live to a tee during the week and then allow myself some movement on weekends. 


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