Week One Reseults

Have you ever wanted to do the happy dance at seven in the morning? I sure did on Tuesday!

The first week was challenging, but I stuck to the guidelines completely. Over the course of the last week there were some opportunities that really provided a challenge. One of the challenges that I’m proud I overcame was when a coworker bought the ladies in our set of cubicles smile cookies. I love smile cookies! I was able to say no, but I felt bad declining an offer from someone. I knew if I ate that cookie I would fall back into feeling the need to answer those cravings. I had to get up and walk away while they were talking about how good they were, but I got through it. There have been many little moments where I feel like I could easily fall back into that lifestyle, but each time I get through it.

Below are the number results for the last week, I’m most pleased with the weight that has come off!

Weight Lost: 6lbs
Inches Lost:
Bust: 1
Waist: 1
Hips: 1
Thighs: .25

I am extremely happy with what I have lost, it’s my motivation to continue on this path!


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