Why Eat to Live?

I have lost count of how many times someone has asked me “Why are you doing Eat to Live?” there seems to be at least one person each day that asks this question! I have three reasons why I’m doing ETL. They might not be the reasons you would do it, but they are mine.

One of my biggest reasons for starting the ETL journey is for health reasons. In each of the books by Dr. Fuhrman there are multiple success stories about health issues being resolved by following this diet. That is my biggest motivator for doing ETL. I’m a young professional who has been dealing with both Anemia and Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS). A number of people have recommended controlling my PCOS by diet, yet I haven’t found one that gives me the results I want. I’m hoping ETL will be different. Recently I was taken off both my medication for PCOS and Anemia in hopes that I will be able to control both conditions with diet. I do not want my health reasons to define me, so it’s time to make a change.

Have you ever sat down at meal feeling as though you’re starving but by the time you finish the meal you are bloated? I find that happens quite regularly for me, especially when eating processed food.  The opportunity to be able to eat a meal and not feel bloated at the end, rather be filled with energy is another huge motivation for me. Being a young professional a lot of social functions are organized around food, but I don’t need to eat processed food to be able to enjoy this. I want to be able to eat a meal of all natural foods and not feel as though I need a nap afterwards.

As a teenager I would hide myself under baggy clothes, I have never really been confident in my size, or accepted myself. My third reason for doing ETL is to learn acceptance with myself.  I struggle with body image, almost on a daily basis. I want to learn to accept myself for who I am, and to be proud of who I am. My hope is that by eating a more balanced diet, and feeding my body nutritious things I will be able to do this. When I eat healthier I’m more confident, my emotions are more stable, and I accept myself easier.

Looking forward to starting this journey tomorrow!


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