Non-Scale Victories

Have you ever stood on the scale but the number hasn't moved? Yet you feel like something changed that week.

The year 2017 has started off with a bang! I can't believe we're already half way through January. I don't always want to be sharing the scale victories because I believe a weight loss or life style change journey has many different parts.

My journey to a healthier life was brought on due to medical reasons, so the one goal I had was to get to the weight recommended, I didn't think about all the additional bonuses that would come along with that. Presenting you with my top five non-scale victories!

1) Awareness- As mentioned above my journey to a healthier lifestyle was brought on due to medical reasons. I did not realize when I started that I would have such success in creating a new lifestyle. It's a lifestyle I want others to know about, especially those with PCOS. Often my response to being asked why I'm doing this is just for health reasons, but if there's time I will explain what PCOS is and how it affects me. I have found the Eat to Live lifestyle to really benefit me.

2) Mental/Emotional Health- Over the last three and a half months I have noticed that there has been less frustration and negativity in my life.

3) Fit of Clothing- No longer do I dread the clothing I put on each day, rather I feel extremely happy to get dressed each day.

4) Lifestyle- Eating healthy has become a lifestyle. It's become a habit. The biggest thing I've noticed is that food actually tastes good. I can't remember the last time I ate food with a sauce, I'm discovering the true taste of food.

5) Energy- Six months ago I was living off of junk food, multiple cups of tea a day, and yet I still felt exhausted each day. Although I still have my morning cup of tea I do not feel the great need to have more during the day.

This is not an easy journey but I know it is worth it. Even on the days like today when the scale slightly moved in the wrong direction this is a journey that is worth it. Each and every day is an opportunity for learning and growth.


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